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The voice caused Reina to jerk away, her eyes flying open as an older man, burnt-
skinned and shoulders hunched, appeared before them.
Tiernan recovered fastest.  Yes sir, my wife and I are looking for employment.
 What be you looking for?
 I can do anything outside a house, and my wife can do anything inside it.
The old man scratched his chin.  I heard the Baroness be needing help, her two run
off. Cash poor, that one, so count your wages, but she s excited over the Prince coming
back. Needs the help, so won t be too choosy about how she gets it. Only has her one
little lass who she overworks. Such a good little girl, deserves better than the Baroness.
Lives over the hill there.
 Much thanks, said Tiernan, inclining his head.
He waved the thanks off, and turned to Reina.  Missus, be warned, she has two
daughters, and word is, both are fond of a handsome man. He patted Tiernan s broad
back.  No one could deny you landed yourself a handsome one. Make sure you keep him
 Uh, yes, said Reina, unsure how else to reply, and the old man wandered off.
Continuing up the road, Tiernan gave a happy sigh.  What? Reina asked.
 Oh, I m just imagining all the ways you can keep me happy. After all, you were
lucky enough to land me.
 After I landed you, I should have gutted you, Reina murmured, which earned her
nothing but delighted laughter from Tiernan.
They reached Cinderella s home and approached the back door, as any servant
looking for work would do. An older woman came to the door, the smell of baked goods
clinging to her skin.  Yes?
Tiernan spoke.  We were told work could be found here? He kept his voice light
and his manner hopeful, going for non-threatening, not seductive.
The woman took them both in with a long look, then slowly nodded her head.  There
may be work. It would be my Mistress s place to decide. Who are you?
 We are a newly married couple who are trying to make our life together, said
Tiernan, putting his arm around Reina and hugging her to him. Surely the woman
wouldn t notice if Reina kicked Tiernan in the shin, right?
In contrast to Reina s thoughts, this news was met by a smile from the old woman.
 That s grand, aye it is. Nothing like young love. Come in, I will call my Mistress. You ll
get your answer directly.
They were seated in front of the hearth while the old woman went out. As soon as
she vanished from sight, Reina started.  Could you be a little less demonstrative?
 No? she repeated, flabbergasted.  What do you mean no? There is no reason to go
on like you are. Just try to control yourself.
His hand came up to bury itself in her hair, turning her to face him.  Control
myself? he asked softly.  Be aware, Reina, I am very definitely controlling myself. If we
were truly married, I would have ripped the tongues out of the mouths of those two
bastards who talked about you like you were a whore.
He pulled his hand away, letting the dark strands slide over his tanned skin, letting
her see the way he played with the heavy fall between his fingers, taking in the texture.
Finally, he seemed to satisfy his fascination enough that he tucked the strands behind
her ears. His hold on her hair was gone, but he didn t release her gaze.  I am leader here,
Reina, completely in control. Don t forget that.
She wanted to refute him, but her voice didn t work. All she could do was gaze at
him and wonder when exactly that place between her thighs became so wet.
 Oh, now there is a handsome one, don t you think, Serena?
Two young women were at the doorway. Both short, one round, one thin, wearing
identical airs of extreme entitlement.
They were also staring at Tiernan like he was the most decadent dessert they had
ever seen in their lives and they wanted to devour him.
Just when Reina decided that the best way to help Cinderella would be to toss these
two bitches down the nearest well, the old woman returned, followed by a lady Reina
recognized as the Stepmother. Even if she hadn t read the file, she would have loathed
this woman on sight. Her daughters had nothing on her in the entitlement department, and
her expression said that Reina and Tiernan had as much meaning to her as a pile of dung.
However, she had a handsome face, even in her advancing age, and her air could be
misconstrued as regal for someone unaccustomed to reading people. Reina wasn t
surprised Cinderella s father, an honest and simple man, had mistakenly married her to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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